Author, lecturer, adviser
I am an experienced strategist working with strategic developments with a holistic view. In my opinion, strategic development is about trying to see things as the really are. This means that learning and keeping an open mind is a constant (and fun) endeavour.
Developments are not about finding the optimal tool (it does not exist), it is about understanding your business and your context. My work is based on system thinking and on embracing complexity. All organisations are complex adaptive systems and should be understood as such.
I have a long background as a strategist at the Swedish Tax Agency, but today I work as an independet advisor for the public sector. My books and other publications (see below) gives a good idea about my work and experiences.
The book "Strategic Thining - The art of understanding and making changes" available on Amazon as an e-book
Read more about strategic thinking here.
Here are some of the publications, available in English, that I have been involved in as an author or as a co-author.